Monday, 5 March 2018

Check your device with QuiKtest


What is it? 
QuickTest enables a set of capabilities to test or check your phone/device health within just a couple of taps. It’s a free end to end hardware & software diagnostic mobile app which will be used to diagnosis your phone in a various way.   

Why/whom it is useful for?
It enables a lot of capabilities from which people will be benefited by getting more and accurate insight of how a device functions, how hardware components evolve and how device longevity functions and most importantly what is the exact state of the device in terms of hardware health and associate software along with.

Express Test:
A set of test executes without user interaction.  A single tap is required to perform end to end quick device diagnosis.

Hardware Test:
Application will be able to diagnosis 42 items which will give a complete insight of hardware health such as
* Device’s sensor
* Sound quality 
* Display 
* Touch Screen 
* All device keys (e.g Volume keys, Power keys etc)
* Camera 
* Connectivity (e.g Bluetooth, Wifi)
* Charging ports

Application has a dashboard which will provide a complete picture of storage usage. It helps the user to identify unnecessary files and understand storage health.

Application provides in details Battery usage and recommends how to improve battery life. It also provides estimate hour of usage

A complete report will be viewable based on the last couple of diagnosis which will provide how device health status. Therefore, you can take the precautionary step if needed.

Tips and Tricks:

A set of frequently asked issues and solutions what community suggest on that